
Agricultural Encroachment

in the field with harry copyFlagstaff County has a primary responsibility to provide road access and weed control along County roads. The job is not as easy as it sounds. One area of concern is the encroachment of agricultural cropping into the County road right-of way. No big deal you say?



Soil Fertility and Nitrogen

in the field with harry copySpring is rapidly approaching and that means seeding season. A large part of seeding costs is fertilizer. The most important nutrient for plant growth (after water), is nitrogen. How much is enough and how effective is your fertilizer application? To understand how this works we need to look at the nitrogen cycle.


MOST Grant Recipients

most copyMunicipalities have experienced significant financial impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada are providing operating funding support to municipalities through the Municipal Operating Support Transfer (MOST). This funding is provided as part of the Safe Restart Agreement.


Century Farms Abound in Flagstaff

century farm plaque300It’s no secret that Flagstaff County – with one million acres of fertile farmland – is steeped in a rich farming tradition. But did you know that Flagstaff County is home to the most Alberta Century Farm and Ranch Award recipients?


Be Vigilant!

in the field with harry copyThe provincial agriculture department recently released their survey for wheat midge in the province. Guess where they predict a hot spot for 2021? The north part of the county!



A Few Useful Tools

in the field with harry copyAlberta Agriculture has changed their website and moved a lot of good information around but there are still some very useful tools available to producers. You just have to look a little harder.



For Posterity

in the field with harry copyOwnership of anything is really only temporary stewardship. Farm land may be owned for generations but sooner or later, someone else will eventually decide what to do on the land and with the land. Some of you might want to preserve particular areas of your land that have a greater, personal significance to you.


Solving the Ag Plastic Dilemma

in the field with harry copyPlastic grain bags and silage bags are great ways to provide temporary storage for agricultural crops at a reasonable price. With larger farms, and land being dispersed over a wider area, they are a practical way to store the crop. If the land is rented with no bins on site, a grain bag can solve short-term storage issues.


Make More Money Leaving Slough, Bush

in the field with harry copyThere is now proof that leaving sloughs and poor areas in grass and trees benefits the bottom line for farmers. A landscape ecologist has proof that leaving the wet, poor areas in perennial vegetation can boost yields in the rest of the field.