
What’s on your Roots

Clubroot is a serious soil-borne disease that can’t be taken lightly; it is classified as a pest under the Alberta Agricultural Pests Act. Negligence is no way to overcome it.

The Farming Footprint

There has been a lot of discussion recently on how the agricultural industry will be affected by the world gaining more recognition towards carbon.

Fall Soil Testing

Producers have been testing their soil for many years. Many of them wonder if it is worth the investment to make annually or question if they should even do it all? The answer is not that simple.

Drainage authorization required

drainagethumb copyUnder the Water Act, landowners are NOT permitted to drain any wetland without first obtaining provincial authorization.

This spring, we have received complaints about landowners draining water from fields to adjacent land. This practice is becoming all too common.


Farm Stress

in the field with harry thumbnailFarming is a very stressful occupation and is one of the few businesses where you have no control over the biggest factor determining success. Weather. You can do everything right, according to the book, yet, if the weather doesn’t cooperate, as it didn’t this year with moisture, the crop can be a failure.


Indigenous history significant to Flagstaff

manitou stone thumbnailFlagstaff County has a rich history of Indigenous sites within our region. In fact, Flagstaff County gets its name from the region’s highest point, which the Cree referred to as Flag Hanging Hill. Legend has it that the hill, also known as Treaty Hill, was a popular gathering place for Indigenous people. It was also where Bishop Grandin met the Blackfoot and Cree, and forged peace between them.

Make Allowances

in the field with harry thumbnailAs crop prices continue to rise, it has directly affected the price and use of land. We can see it all around us as brush and sloughs are being cleared or burnt to increase the “farmable” acres. Part of the area that some producers might be using are undeveloped road allowances.


Swathing Versus Straight-Cut Harvesting

in the field with harry thumbnailFor years, the simple and effective way to dry down a crop to speed maturity and reduce moisture content in a crop, was to cut it and put it into a swath. Depending on weather conditions, the crop could be dry enough to combine or thresh in a week to 10 days. Maybe longer if it was cool.


FRESS News Release

regional fire services manager wanted copyOn behalf of the Flagstaff Regional Emergency Services Society (FRESS), please see the following news release.