MSI Projects

Beginning in 2007, the Province of Alberta committed to provide municipalities with funding through the Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) to help support local infrastructure priorities and build strong, safe and […]


Rural Road Study

On February 13, 2014, a Special Council Meeting was held to review the Rural Road Study and to discuss implementation of the study. At this meeting, Council approved that the […]


Dust Suppressant

Strategic locations are targeted for dust suppressant application, which helps reduce the frequency of maintenance and improves safety while mitigating the nuisance of dust to residents and minimizing environmental impact. […]


Additional Resources

Do you ever have questions about something related with your business? We have put together a new Business Resource Library that includes publications on a variety of topics from Adult […]


Business Resource Library

Do you ever have questions about something related with your business? We have put together a new Business Resource Library that includes publications on a variety of topics from Adult […]



Understanding Your Property Taxes Your property tax is made up of four components, including the Municipal Tax, the Education Tax, the Seniors Housing Tax and the Designated Industrial Property (DIP) […]


Bylaws, Policies & Related Documents

Bylaws, Policies, and Related Documents Hierarchy of Plans MGA Section 638 states that all statutory plans adopted by a municipality must be consistent with each other. If a conflict or inconsistency between […]


MOST Grant Recipients

Municipalities have experienced significant financial impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of Alberta and the Government of Canada are providing operating funding support to municipalities through the Municipal Operating Support Transfer […]



Annual Reports Annually, Flagstaff County prepares a report summarizing the operations of the municipality. Each department provides a review of the programs and services completed that year. To receive a […]


A landowner’s guide to drainage and brush removal

Flagstaff County landowners should be aware of several important factors when it comes to drainage and brush removal. Did you know that provincial legislation is in place to deal with […]
