MSI Projects

Beginning in 2007, the Province of Alberta committed to provide municipalities with funding through the Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) to help support local infrastructure priorities and build strong, safe and […]


Additional Resources

Do you ever have questions about something related with your business? We have put together a new Business Resource Library that includes publications on a variety of topics from Adult […]


Business Resource Library

Do you ever have questions about something related with your business? We have put together a new Business Resource Library that includes publications on a variety of topics from Adult […]


Starting or Expanding Your Business

Canada-Alberta Job Grant The Canada-Alberta Job Grant (CAJG) is an employer-driven training program where employers and government share the cost of training new and existing employees to increase their knowledge […]


Dust Suppressant

Strategic locations are targeted for dust suppressant application, which helps reduce the frequency of maintenance and improves safety while mitigating the nuisance of dust to residents and minimizing environmental impact. […]


Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs Winter Road Maintenance When and where does the snowplowing start? To ensure equitable service to all residents, each maintenance area has three sub-areas which are rotated through as the […]


Bylaws, Policies & Related Documents

Bylaws,ย Policies, and Related Documents Hierarchy of Plans MGA Section 638 states that all statutory plans adopted by a municipality must be consistent with each other. Ifย a conflict or inconsistency between […]


Business Resources

Alberta’s Labour Force Statistics Get the latest update on Alberta’s Labour Force such as most recent unemployment rate for the province as well as the various economic regions within Alberta.  […]


Business Resources

Alberta’s Labour Force Statistics Get the latest update on Alberta’s Labour Force such as most recent unemployment rate for the province as well as the various economic regions within Alberta. […]


Succession Readiness Support Program

Small Business Succession Readiness Support Program The Small Business Succession Readiness Support Program is a dedicated initiative with a primary goal of bolstering business retention and expansion within the vibrant […]
